Survey and Surveillance
UAV Based Topography & Mine Survey & Demarcation of Boundary
Volumetric Survey for Estimation of Assessment of Bulk Raw Material inside the plant
Identification of Surface features like Rivers, Infra, Road etc.
UAV based Surveillance for tracking and trespassing
Geological Investigation - On-field and Off-field for Occurrence and Tentative Resources of the mineral
Exploration Plan development for RC & Detailed exploration
Exploration Management and Drilling through Group Company
Geological Modelling using SURPAC & MINEX
Preparation of Geological reports, Resource & Reserve model
Exploration & Geology
Digitization of Drill Core Logging
Logging of Drill Core
Digital Core Photography and Scanning using High Resolution Core Scanner
Data Interpretation and Integration
Building Digital Drill Core Image Library
Geo-chemical & Geo-physical study
Geo-statistical model development based on Processing/Metallurgical Parameter
Defining Probable Mining, Beneficiation and Metallurgical Routes